Don't write another page...Until you take this course!

5 star rating

Don't write another page...Until you take this course!

Jessica Noel

Copyhackers brings it with this course. I was already convinced they were over-the-top amazing at copywriting training. And then Joanna creates 10X Web Copy....

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Copyhackers brings it with this course. I was already convinced they were over-the-top amazing at copywriting training. And then Joanna creates 10X Web Copy. Joanna teaches her systematic approach to create web pages - a model that works no matter what you're trying to achieve. If that same-old templated formula isn't converting or you don't want to waste your time writing an ineffective web page. Take the course... like yesterday!

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5 star rating


Naomi Soman

I like how it gives me a clear method I can follow. However, I am concerned about how to adapt the process when writing a website from scratch. I'm also unsu...

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I like how it gives me a clear method I can follow. However, I am concerned about how to adapt the process when writing a website from scratch. I'm also unsure of how to run thank you page surveys for companies like large b2b saas companies with very little traffic. I would love to see more practical advice.

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5 star rating

Loved it!

Uwe Jan Grünberg

I really enjoyed the detailed sections

I really enjoyed the detailed sections

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5 star rating

Amazing, comprehensive, highly practical course to help y...

Vesna Mirosavljev

This course is incredibly comprehensive and detailed. It has the prefect blend of on-page how-to advice, straight pointers/principles/philosophy to jot down,...

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This course is incredibly comprehensive and detailed. It has the prefect blend of on-page how-to advice, straight pointers/principles/philosophy to jot down, instructions about research, insightful case studies, practical real-life examples of web pages to look at ... I could say so much more. Before the course, I would have been clueless about how to approach writing copy for an entire website; now I know the exact steps to tackle and nail it. No guessing, just confidence and knowing what to do to optimize the site if desired results aren't being achieved. Love it.

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4 star rating

Most in-depth training in web copy I've seen

Laura McNerlin

5 star rating

So damn good

Anna Bolton

I've tried to piece together systems and processes for website copy before... but this blows those out of the water. The only challenge will be finding a cli...

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I've tried to piece together systems and processes for website copy before... but this blows those out of the water. The only challenge will be finding a client that's already successful enough to pay for this kind of work, but also in need of a complete website rewrite. I can't wait!

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5 star rating

Tons of information; once through is not enough

lisa larter

Extremely valuable information and loads of it! I made notes throughout the course, but I'm going to take it again to better solidify what I learned and bett...

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Extremely valuable information and loads of it! I made notes throughout the course, but I'm going to take it again to better solidify what I learned and better organize my own thoughts and understanding.

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5 star rating

Easy-to-follow and highly educational tutorials!

Denis Gablenko

Joanna's tutorials are immensely educational, offering deep dives and nuances where needed, and very honest advice based on all her experience. The best par...

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Joanna's tutorials are immensely educational, offering deep dives and nuances where needed, and very honest advice based on all her experience. The best part is that it's delivered in a non-dogmatic and non-patronizing manner with lots of levity and humor.

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5 star rating

The path to a lucrative and manageable future

Suzanne Delzio

Joanna gives us every tool to be successful as high-earning copywriters.

Joanna gives us every tool to be successful as high-earning copywriters.

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5 star rating

I'm Really Impressed!!!

Tzipora Werner

This course is clear, well taught and filled with lots of insightful tips and strategies. Thank you for such a clear, structured course. It's a pleasure to ...

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This course is clear, well taught and filled with lots of insightful tips and strategies. Thank you for such a clear, structured course. It's a pleasure to use both the technical aspects and the learning itself.

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5 star rating

Amazingly eye-opening

Romain Sost

I thought I knew a lot of things about website copywriting. I'm new but I've watched et read a lot. But I learned so much with this training. I feel really m...

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I thought I knew a lot of things about website copywriting. I'm new but I've watched et read a lot. But I learned so much with this training. I feel really more confident for my future clients (i'm freelance copywriter).

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5 star rating

Hard and that's when you learn.

Mohammad Wasim



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Course curriculum

Need to get going ASAP, choose the Fast Track

    1. How to use this training

    2. Fast Path: The 10x Page Plan

    3. OTS walkthrough for full workbook

    1. Intro (and why web copy is so important)

    2. A pre-req mindset shift on writing copy for the web

    3. You need to become a full-stack conversion copywriter

    4. The conversion copywriting process for websites

    5. How to identify what's broken: the process of starting a website redesign/rewrite

    6. FAST PATH: Page length: How to think about personas and visitor / decision-maker profiles

    7. The three research methods you'll use to write a website and how to use them

    8. Setting up to figure out what's working and not

    9. User tests: How to set up user tests (for a site or a page - yours or a competitor's)

    10. FAST PATH: Analyzing users tests, with the Believability Boosters and Friction Reducers worksheet

    11. Thank-you page surveys

    12. FAST PATH: TYP surveys: How to set up your thank-you / confirmation page surveys

    13. FAST PATH: Analyzing survey responses: Q1 ("what was going on"), for leads

    14. Analyzing survey responses: Q1 ("what was going on"), for customers

    15. The Obstacle Interview

    16. FAST PATH: The Obstacle Interview: Worksheet walkthrough and survey setup

    17. The Obstacle Analysis: Sorting / Tagging responses to map them to the analysis worksheet

    18. The Obstacle Analysis: A brief pause to discuss interesting insights (and how to use 'em)

    19. The Obstacle Analysis: Finishing your analysis

    20. FAST PATH: Product messaging: How to document product features, benefits and outcomes

    21. List, offer, copy

    22. FAST PATH: The Optimized Offer: How to document your optimized offer

    23. FAST PATH: "Bag o' offers"

    24. The Optimized Offer: Example of completed page-level offer optimization

    25. First module done - progress check

    26. End-of-module quiz: Module 1 (Research and discovery)

    1. Whom to write for

    2. The transformation message map

    3. TMM Walkthrough

    4. FAST PATH: The 10xPage Plan

    5. FAST PATH: Walkthrough: The 10xPage Plan

    6. Thinking about "stages of awareness" while using The Transformation Message Map

    7. FAST PATH: The world's most fundamental copywriting argument

    8. The 8 sections of a 10x web page

    9. FAST PATH: Hero sections: Every page starts with one (includes specific hero types)

    10. Hero sections: Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    11. FAST PATH: Proof bars: Pages need, like, several of these (includes specific proof bar types)

    12. Proof bars: Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    13. FAST PATH: Agitation: The most edited-out, should-be-left-in part of a page

    14. Agitation: Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    15. A 90-sec pause before you move on...

    16. FAST PATH: Crossheads: You may be used to calling these "subheads"...

    17. Crosshead (value prop): Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    18. FAST PATH: The How: The core of most pages (including a 4-step flow for writing How blocks)

    19. The How: Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    20. FAST PATH: The Switch: You've been ignoring this... You shoooooullllldnnnnnn'ttttttt......

    21. The Switch: Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    22. FAST PATH: The Close: The close, the close, we're getting to the close!

    23. The Close: Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you're writing

    24. FAST PATH: Now let's turn that all into your spit draft (or sh*tty first draft)

    25. Wrapping up Module 2

    26. End-of-module quiz: Module 2 (Prewriting)

    1. An introduction to wireframing

    2. Walkthrough: A few home pages we've written over the years (insights into decisions, problems and more)

    3. FAST PATH: The You Rule

    4. Good soundin' stuff: One thought per sentence

    5. Good soundin' stuff: Keep it unfinished at the top

    6. Good soundin' stuff: Break your headlines

    7. Good soundin' stuff: The "first person"

    8. Good soundin' stuff: No more closed questions

    9. Good soundin' stuff: Stack alliteration

    10. Good soundin' stuff: Formatting big text

    11. Good soundin' stuff: X verb Y

    12. Good soundin' stuff: Not another bullet list

    13. Good soundin' stuff: Stack similar sentences

    14. Good soundin' stuff: "Modern Family" your body copy

    15. Good soundin' stuff: How to finish your body copy, A

    16. Good soundin' stuff: How to finish your body copy, B

    17. FAST PATH: Wireframing: Set up your page

    18. FAST PATH: Wireframing: Wiring the top (while editing)

    19. FAST PATH: Wireframing: Finishing the second draft of your page

    20. FAST PATH: Wireframing: Fix problems by comparing your wired copy to The 10x Page Plan

    21. Editing: Sweep that copy!

    22. FAST PATH: Sweeping Through Your Editing Process: The decision-maker sweep

    23. FAST PATH: Sweeping Through Your Editing Process: The seven sweeps

    24. Wrapping up Module 3

    25. End-of-module quiz: Module 3 (Writing, wireframing and editing)

    1. How to get the most out of this phase of the work

    2. FAST PATH: Validation: Setting up and running your validation test

    3. Validation: Figuring out what you need to validate

    4. Validation: Analyzing your feedback and making decisions

    5. FAST PATH: Implementation

    6. FAST PATH: Experimentation

    7. How to optimize your copy

    8. Optimization: How to reduce bounce

    9. Optimization: How to get more leads in general

    10. What to do next

    11. End-of-module quiz: Module 4 (Validation and experimentation)

    12. Before you go...

About this course

  • $1,997.00
  • 92 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content